An exceptional artisan devoted his life to the creation of this piano. Inspired by morning glories, the design adds further elegance to this beautiful instrument. On top of its gorgeous exterior, the harmonious sounds that resonate from the keys purify its listeners. Right-click and press Use to place or remove the piano.
Durability 40
Item Details
ID: 41218
Name: Morning Glory Piano
Internal Name: Ipomoea Glory Piano
Size: 3 × 4
Base Value: 50,000 G
Revision Added: 217
This item:
can be sold to NPCs.
can be listed in personal shops.
can be traded with others.
can be dropped.
can be picked up by others.
can be stored in a pet's inventory.
can be stored in the bank.
can be withdrawn by other characters.
can be listed on the Auction House.
Can only be dyed with a Loading....
This item can be repaired by General Item Repairers.
90% = 1,201 G
92% = 1,264 G
93% = 1,296 G
94% = 1,328 G
95% = 1,359 G
96% = 1,415 G
97% = 1,470 G
98% = 1,723 G
99% = 2,134 G
100% = 3,399 G
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