Magical Mist Crystal

Magical Mist Crystal
Item Description

A crystal formed deep within the swirling mists. It can be used to craft a powerful weapon the likes of which no one of this era has seen.

Item Details

Basic Information

ID: 5100029

Name: Magical Mist Crystal

Internal Name: Crystal of Feth Fiada

Size: 1 × 1

Stack: 100

Base Value: 50,000 G

Revision Added: 367

Movement Restrictions

This item:

  • can be sold to NPCs.

  • can be listed in personal shops.

  • can be traded with others.

  • can be dropped.

  • can be picked up by others.

  • can be stored in a pet's inventory.

  • can be stored in the bank.

  • can be withdrawn by other characters.

  • can be listed on the Auction House.