Far Darrig Doll

Far Darrig Doll
Item Description

A doll modeled after the Far Darrig in Scuabtuinne. It's very soft. The doll on its own doesn't seem to have much purchase, besides being cute, but it can be used as material for the Far Darrig Doll Bag.

Item Details

Basic Information

ID: 95229

Name: Far Darrig Doll

Internal Name: Fardarring doll

Size: 2 × 2

Base Value: 10,000 G

Revision Added: 300

Movement Restrictions

This item:

  • cannot be sold to NPCs.

  • can be listed in personal shops.

  • can be traded with others.

  • can be dropped.

  • cannot be picked up by others.

  • can be stored in a pet's inventory.

  • can be stored in the bank.

  • can be withdrawn by other characters.

  • can be listed on the Auction House.

Production Details

MethodMaterialsProduction ExperienceBase Success Rates at Skill RankSuccess Rates
Handicraft Icon

Rank 1

Beginner Tailoring Kit × 1

Finest Fabric × 5

Blue Paint × 1

Finest Finishing Thread × 10

Far Darrig's Old Clamshell × 1

35,000 EXP-10%30%50%70%100%